Wednesday 28 May 2014


The original purpose of this image is to learn fibermesh in zbrush, but in the end, i actually also learn how to create a woman face. turns out i miss out a lot of details of a girl's face structure, and with a little help and suggestion from my friend, Silvia, it becomes better (than my original version).

Here's the final artwork:

The WIP's:

the basic sculpting of the head

the visualization of the finished artwork (turns out different though, i decide no headset and open eyes)

first fibermesh trial, well it's messy.

the fibermesh that i use for the final shot, mainly i use groom and move brush.

I did encounter a scaling problem when i import the butterfly model

Final viewport shots. then i did a lot of tweaks on photoshop.

*notes to myself: definitely i gonna study female face and structures.

Monday 26 May 2014

Showreel 2014

Here's my 2014 CG showreel!

All of these was my personal works in between 2013-2014. The concept for this showreel was to make it looks as cinematic as possible.

Here's the link into the showreel:

Programs used for this showreels are:
Adobe Premiere (bgm and editing)
Zbrush (Models, lighting, and rendering)
Nuke (Compositing)
Adobe After Effects (Compositing and VFX)

Here's some WIP shots and a little bit of description:

At first, i made a very simple animatics, using some basic lines that i definitely will understand myself, i compiled some of my work and arrange the composition. I had the thing that i want in my head at that moment, and i just need to visualize it. 
After that i did edit the song, then matched it up with the visuals.

And then i go to my assets, my works. Finding out how to trick rendering in Zbrush, with a little bit of timeline, BPR and green BG, i render out my assets. 

I crop out and change the BG with the real BG in nuke, composite and color correct them, and render them out one more time. 

All the render out from Nuke are com for the final output on After Effects. This is the final editing before the final output. 

The opening title was done in After Effects too: 

and that's all! 

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Gatot Kaca

It always been one of my desire, to create the hero from my own culture/country. So i decided to create my own version of Gatot Kaca, one of the most famous character from Indonesian (traditional, i guess)  puppet show. So many artists already made their own version of this guy, so this is my version of him:

Yes i made it with Ipad Mini screen resolution, since i want to use it as my wallpaper :)

Here are the Wip's:

Otot Kawat Tulang Besi! - Gatokaca

The Dark Knight Returns

Several days ago I saw Ben Affleck version of Batman! and of course, I'm very excited that the suit was refer into Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns, it's comical, yet it's gritty and strong, i wish that the new Batman also as '"nasty" as Miller's version of Dark Knight. So, i did one that refer into that version as well. however i just did some kind of bust shot.

Here's the final shot:

and here are the WIP's:

*notes: can't wait to see more of DC's Snyder-verse!


Well, it's been awhile i want to create a strong female character, which mean literally strong, while i keep her feminine aspects over the body curves, i tried to give her more armory look, with capes (cape gave elegant feel in my opinion). I want her to be some kind of high rank soldier/officers.

Her name was take from one of the ancient warrior (even im not really refer her from this character), and the armor's based from roman army.

Here're some of the final shots:

Here are some WIP screenshots:

Sadly i didn't really did more screenshot for this piece, anyway that's all!